Shopware 6 offers you the possibility to expand the range of functions and in this article, we will show you how to install an extension for Shopware. To do this, go to Extensions > My Extensions and manage the extensions already available for your store. You can purchase new extensions in the store.
The My Extensions area is divided into several subsections.
Apps (1): Shows an overview of the apps available in the store and your account.
Theme (2): Shows an overview of the themes available in the store and your account.
Recommendations (3): Here you will receive recommendations for extensions, divided into regions and categories.
Shopware Account (4): Here you can link your shop to your Shopware account.
Upload Extension (5): If you have an extension as a zip file, you can upload it here.
Now, to get a better understanding, let’s see the sections in detail.
The apps section gives you an overview of all apps added to your store.
The App section provides a clear overview with several columns for easy navigation:
App overview (1): Here you can see an overview of all apps and the most important information about each app.
Hide Inactive Extensions (2) – Use this button to hide all currently not activated apps to get a better overview of active apps.
Sorting (3): This section allows you to define the sorting criteria for the overview.
Active button (4): with this button, you can activate or deactivate installed apps. Unlike uninstalling, deactivation has the advantage of not losing the settings made in the app.
Install App (5): Uploading an app or purchasing one in your Shopware account does not automatically install it in your store. You can install the app using this button. Please note that the app is initially deactivated after installation. If you want to use it right away, you need to activate it right away.
Button “ … ” (6): Here you can call up the shortcut menu for the respective apps. The menu functions available depend on the app’s status, allowing you to better understand how they differ.
Uninstall: Uninstalls the app but does not completely remove it from the system so that it remains in the overview. This option is available if the app is installed.
Remove – Removes the app from the system. You can only use this option if the app is not yet installed or has been uninstalled.
Configuration: Open the configuration menu. This option is available for apps that use their configuration menu (e.g. the PayPal app).
Upload extension (7): Here you can manually add an extension to the store. For instance, you can download the necessary zip file directly from the extension manager of your Shopware account.
The Themes section gives you an overview of all the themes added to your store.
The section is divided into several columns
Theme overview (1): Here you can see an overview of all themes and the most important information on each theme.
Hide Inactive Extensions (2): Use this button to hide all currently not activated themes to get a better overview of active themes.
Sorting (3): Here you can specify the criterion by which the overview is to be sorted.
Active button (4): With this button, you can activate or deactivate the installed themes. Unlike uninstallation, deactivation has the advantage of not losing the settings made in the theme. Themes that are active here are not automatically assigned to a sales channel. The assignment takes place only in the sales channel.
Open app (5): this link takes you directly to the theme configuration page. “…”
“…” Key (6): Here you can call up the context menu for the respective theme. You can uninstall installed themes here. You can completely remove the themes already uninstalled by the administration here.
The Recommendations section gives you extension recommendations for certain areas of your store.
select the region and category for which you would like to receive advice. The categories then display these items.
Click the Install button to add the app directly to the app overview and install it.
Shopware Account
Here you can connect to your Shopware account to access your purchases.
Installing extensions
If the extension you’re looking for isn’t available in apps or themes yet, you’ll first need to add it to your store. There are two ways to achieve this:
Connect to your Shopware account: Head over to Account and log in. Once logged in, you’ll see all extensions already purchased for your store domain displayed in the apps and themes section. From there, you can simply install the desired extension.
Load extensions manually: Alternatively, you can take a more hands-on approach by loading the extensions yourself. To do this, download the necessary zip file directly from your Shopware account within the shop operator area.
Since the extension is now available in apps or themes, you can proceed with installing it. To achieve this, simply open the context menu by clicking on the “…” button. Once you’ve done that, select “Install” from the menu. Finally, you can activate the extension using the button in the Status column.
Configure extensions
For some active extensions, you’ll find a dedicated menu item within Settings > Extensions. This menu item allows you to open the extension configuration. To understand the specific functionalities and configuration options, the respective extension documentation provides detailed information for each extension.